Dansm's Beginner's Guide to Chords
Welcome to Dansm's Beginner's Guide to Chords!
My name is Dan Smith, I'm a first-year grad student at Harvard, and I've been playing guitar for 5 years.
This page is designed to help beginners learn to play the two main types of chords.
Chords are an extremely important part of guitar; you can't play guitar
without knowing how to play them. These pages will guide you through
learning open chords and barre chords. If you are a beginner, you may want to check out my
beginner's page, because it will give
you some more playing instruction. Good luck, have fun, and keep playin!
Guide to Open Chords
open chords are the first basic chords you should learn
Guide to Barre Chords
barre chords are more difficult and more complex, so try
them after learning open chords
Easy Songs
a collection of songs that only use open chords--perfect
for beginners
Strumming Patterns
if you find strumming difficult or confusing, this page will tell you how
to invent your own patterns
Acoustic Songs
perfect your chord-playing skills on these great acoustic songs
that use all types of chords
Guitar Chord Theory
once you know how to form chords, this page will tell you
why they are played where
Dansm's Acoustic Guitar Page
Dansm's Advice for Beginning Guitarists

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since 12-20-97
© 1998 Daniel E. Smith. Last updated 3-1-98.