Dansm's Musical Notation for Guitar
Symbols Used in Standard Notation
There are many symbols used in standard notation other than notes, and this page will give an outline of them. This should help you understand anything you see in a tab book. Good luck, and make sure you refer to this page any time you don't understand a symbol in a tab book.
Term Symbol Meaning
accent The top symbol means play the note loud but staccato.
The bottom symbol means play the normal note length loudly.
crescendo Increase in volume for the duration of the crescendo symbol.
coda See my page on codas.
decrescendo Decrease in volume for the duration of the decrescendo symbol.
hold Called a fermata in Italian, this means you should hold the note until you feel like stopping.
grace note An extremely brief note which happens slightly before the beat and is not counted in the timing of the measure.
ottava Play the notes one octave higher than written for the duration of the ottava symbol. Ottava means "octave" in Italian.
ottava bassa Play the notes one octave lower than written for the duration of the ottava bassa symbol. Ottava bassa means "octave lower" in Italian.
repeat See my page on repeats.
ritard Decrease the tempo.
staccato Play this note short (specifically, play this note for one-half its normal length).
tie Two notes connected by a tie should be played so there is no break between them. Basically, you add the note values together and play a single note.
trill Trill the notes for the duration of the symbol.
triplet Fit the three notes under the symbol into two normal notes. For example, if there are 3 quarter notes, play them in two quarter note beats; and if there are three eighth notes, play them in two eighth note beats.
vibrato Play this note using vibrato for the duration of the symbol.

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© 1997 Daniel E. Smith. Last updated 7-21-97