realaudio chord progressions
the melodic minor scale
the best way to learn soloing is to practice it. my realaudio pages will help you do this.
this page contains a minor-scale chord progression repeated many times and recorded
as a realaudio file (28.8 kbps). if you don't have a realaudio player,
click here to download one free.
i hope you find this page useful! please e-mail me
with comments about this or any of my pages!
melodic minor scale realaudio stream 1
key of e minor
this file contains the following chord progression:
em a b em
em a f#m b
to save this file for later use, right-click on the
link above and choose "save link as..."
melodic minor scale realaudio stream 2
key of b minor
this file contains the chords to the end solo of hotel california.
you can either play your own solo or the hc one found on my hc pages. you can choose
between the electric or
acoustic version. have fun with this!
the file contains the following chord progression (repeated 3 times):
bm f# a e
g d em f#
to save this file for later use, right-click on the
link above and choose "save link as..."
notice that
this progression contains both an e and an em. this results from
the differing scales played when ascending and descending. you are going to have to adjust
for this when you are making up a solo.
to get the most out of playing these progressions, save the files
and then play them over and over, trying
different modes and patterns over them. you will begin to understand what sounds good
over what chords and what notes to hit when. but it won't come overnight;
you need to practice!!! enjoy this, use it, and keep playin' !
back to the melodic minor key
back to the melodic minor scale
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since 5-21-97
© 1997 daniel e. smith.